Clyde Ranch in Fresno County

The Clydes also ranch a cattle herd and still hold one of the very few high country grazing permits left available. And if all of this was not enough to keep them busy.
A few years ago they founded a non-profit foundation to train Bronc riders beginning at the high school level. Renowned Broncriders help with training the students. For several decades Fresno State had no team, now because of their dedication to the sport and kids, FSU has a team of contenders. Visit Bronc Riders of California to see how you might get involved.
“Bronc riders are tough. They would and do play football, but show me a football player riding a Bronc horse,” smiled Allen.
As we talked, it became clear his mission in life is to serve young people. He didn’t exactly say that, but his life shows he cares about our children’s education and this valley. If Allen had his way, every kid would travel out of the states at least once to gain perspective and learn a life lesson. He leaned back in his office chair and talked about how much it meant to him during college. Allen picked crops at local fields after school saving his money for summer. He hitchhiked through Europe on $2 a day and traveled through 16 countries, twice. Maybe that’s why he became a podiatrist after all that walking.
We can all thank the Clyde family for making a difference in our valley.